Category «Commentary»
New plesiosaurs, lots of new plesiosaurs!
Mine’s bigger than yours! The Monster of Aramberri, Predator X, and other monster pliosaurs in the media
During the past decade several dramatically named giant pliosaurs have hit the mainstream media, many claiming to be the biggest yet discovered. But only a trickle of peer-reviewed literature has been published to accompany these news stories. The lack of published data makes it really difficult to sift the facts from the fiction, and it’s easy to get the different stories muddled up, especially in the case of two identically sized congeneric pliosaur specimens from Svalbard: ‘The Monster’ and ‘Predator X’.
Naming Meyerasaurus – a guest article by Marc Vincent
Whatever happened to ‘Thaumatosaurus’ – the wonder reptile?
This article might be considered a bit of a cheat, as it’s mostly lifted from a section of my recent paper describing the new genus Meyerasaurus, formerly ‘Thaumatosaurus’/Rhomaleosaurus victor (Smith and Vincent 2010). However, I think the topic is interesting and might be appreciated by a wider audience.