Skull of Pliosaurus kevani in right lateral view. From Benson et al. (2013).The ‘Westbury Pliosaur 1’ specimen of Pliosaurus brachyspondylus, skull on display in the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. Photo by Chris Crump.The ‘Westbury Pliosaur 1’ specimen of Pliosaurus brachyspondylus, skull on display in the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. Photo by Chris Crump.Holotype specimen of Pliosaurus brachyspondylus (from Tarlo 1960).Holotype specimen of Pliosaurus andrewsi (from Tarlo 1960).Holotype specimen of Pliosaurus brachydeirus (from Tarlo 1960).The ‘Westbury Pliosaur 1’ specimen of Pliosaurus brachyspondylus, skull on display in the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery. Photo by Chris Crump.Pliosaurus kevani head digital painting by me (Adam S. Smith)Pliosaurus westburyensis model by Arril Johnson, in the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery.Pliosaurus westburyensis model by Arril Johnson, in the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery.Pliosaurus westburyensis model by Arril Johnson, in the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery.